Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Waste of Time

Alas, first post on a blog I have been meaning to start for a long while! On with the show.

The first post of this blog is one I had intended to start this blog with all along...

The album I will refer to is one I believe is easily in the top 10, even top 5 of the best new school punk rock albums of the nineties, heck I think it could even be all time, not counting some of the new not so very great punk of today. So it is Pennywise's About Time.

About Time is an album I gave a lot of rotation in my cassette player. Many songs can be blogged about in here, but I'll start with track two, "Waste of Time".

This track is essentially referring to religion, and how there isn't enough time in our lives to ponder the big questions, that is about whether there is a heaven, and so on. I could end right there, as that just about sums it up. It also states how towering churches and holy temples are telling him how to live his life, as with many of us, but that doesn't quench his mind. With the big question, as stated above, being if there is a heaven, there's many answers from many religions no doubt. So it is best to focus on the present tense, and live our lives. I made up the present tense part, but it does say "get on with your life". I agree, and add that we should live life to the fullest each and every day. This ties in with another Pennywise song, or lyric at the very least, but there's time for that in another post. So, get on with your life!

First two verses, and the chorus:

I got a question, for all you sinners
Have you ever wondered is this all there is to life?
A quick adventure, not much to mention
A slow procession leading us to die!

Is there a heaven, a distant valley,
A golden meadow waiting for us in the sky?
No one right answer, spirit seems broken
Still I just can't help but wonder why?

Seems like a tragic waste of time,
Who cares what happens when you die?
Life's too short to wonder why,
Get on with your life.

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